Monday, February 25, 2013

Online Banking Safety Tips

Do you remember the days when you had to go to the bank to “cash a check”?  It required a great deal of planning to be sure you got to the bank and had enough time to stand in line, wait for a teller, cash your check, keep some money and deposit the rest.  Looking back now, it seems like such a hassle!
These days, it’s easy to bank at your convenience, whenever that might be.  Between direct deposit, ATMs and online banking/bill pay, even when our physical offices are closed, Quantum National Bank is at your service.  That’s the good news.  The bad news?  All this convenience can lead to trouble if we’re not always vigilant.
On the Quantum side, we have extensive security measures in place.  We are constantly monitoring our systems and looking for ways to make them even more secure.  There are several things you can do, too, to protect your online banking and bill paying activities.  These online safety tips apply whether you’re using the Quantum system or ANY other finance-related website (bank, credit union, credit card issuer, etc.).
  1. Never, ever give personal information to someone who calls or e-mail you.  Don’t click on links in e-mails from your “bank” or “credit card issuer,” even if the e-mail looks official.  Contact your bank or credit card company yourself, using contact information from a recent statement or by entering the web address yourself and using the contact information found there.
  2. Do not access financial-related websites or pay bills at a public Wi-Fi hotspot.  You don’t know who’s around you and what their intentions are.  That nice looking person sitting next to you could be tracking everything you’re doing.
  3. Make your passwords difficult to crack.  Don’t use any part of your Social Security number, your birth date, consecutive numbers (1234567) or repeated numbers (7777).  It’s also a good idea to stay away from using the names of family members or any specific dictionary word.  Try a random group of letters and numbers or perhaps a short phrase that’s memorable and meaningful to you only.
  4. Change your password often and don’t use one password for everything.  Keep in mind that if your password is compromised and you use that password for multiple websites, you’ve just given the bad guys access to every one of those other sites.
  5. Monitor your accounts on a regular basis and call us immediately if you notice anything suspicious or unusual or if there’s activity on there you don’t recognize.
  6. Remember that Quantum National Bank will never contact you to ask for personal information!
I certainly hope you never have an internet security issues but rest assured that if you do, your “Banking Partner for Success” is here to help any way we can.

Wishing you success,

Bryan J. Cohen
President & CEO